Mission & Approach


My mission through Canine Ability's training/education programs is to bridge the gap between canine/human communication in order to bring out the Ability in every dog---and to challenge dog owners to take their relationship with their dog to a whole new level! 


I am in the business of saving and improving canine lives. I am passionate about my dogs, and my clients' dogs; and feel utterly blessed to be given the opportunity to work with each one of my canine clients.

I feel a deep sadness for dogs who have found themselves in shelters because of unresolved behavioral issues which, were in fact, a silent cry for help. With canine homelessness/euthanasia on the rise, I feel it is my responsibility to utilize Canine Ability's proven techniques to take the (dangerous, "hopeless," "untrainable") cases that other trainers have given up on---because I know each of those dogs has innate talents just waiting to be tapped.

I know through over two decades of experience that behavioral issues are a symptom of a bigger issue(s), and indicate a dog is feeling frustration and/or confusion; and these signals are the dog's way of letting us know that they are not getting what they need in order to be healthy; both physically and mentally.  I also know that effective communication is critical to the success of any relationship. 

I work with nature (never against it), to bring out the ABILITY of every dog I work with. I set the tone of my training through effective canine communication and follow through with a natural, resistance-free approach which pin-points and eliminates the root of behavioral issues (not covering them up) and naturally eliminates problematic behavior; thereby providing a new relationship platform which enhances harmony, leadership, and respect between the dog and its owner. ~Kimberly Carnevale, behaviorist and founder of Canine Ability

"In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi human.
The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog."
- Edward Hoagland
