Our founder is a canine and equine behaviorist with over 25 years experience in professional behavior modification and rehabilitation. She is a published author of books/magazines, and has been asked to contribute to numerous world-wide publications and invited to speak nationwide as an expert in her field. Her story and program have been featured on TV, in magazines, and in her books. She performs nationwide with her own pack, and conducts informative seminars; educating communities how to honor their dogs and bring out their true ABILITY.
*Kimberly is a published author, successful speaker/educator, and canine/equine behaviorist.
*She has trained with a variety of professional canine specialists (including police K9, Sheriff's Office K9, show kennels, SAR, and veterinarians) in designing her own highly successful Canine Ability Dog Training program.
*Kimberly is a published author, successful speaker/educator, and canine/equine behaviorist.
*She has trained with a variety of professional canine specialists (including police K9, Sheriff's Office K9, show kennels, SAR, and veterinarians) in designing her own highly successful Canine Ability Dog Training program.
*Studied and worked as an emergency and surgical veterinary technician in order to advance her education and understanding of the dog's physiology.
*Renowned for successful rehabilitation of "red zone" (aggressive), and extremely fearful dogs.
*25 + years professional experience in animal behavior modification/behavior rehabilitation.
*18 years training working dogs
*Kimberly's methods are based on scientific learning theory, natural behavior modification, and canine psychology. No tricks, no gimmicks...just natural canine communication, mutual understanding, love and respect.
"I haven't discovered a magical cure all, or developed a hokey, commercial gimmick which claims to train all dogs as if by magic. I've taken the time to learn to communicate in their language...not forcing them to learn mine.
I honor the dogs I spend time with by literally treating them like a dog that God created them to be. Discipline, obedience---it all starts here. It builds a foundation upon which further obedience and training can take place; and which without, the former objective is impossible.”
I honor the dogs I spend time with by literally treating them like a dog that God created them to be. Discipline, obedience---it all starts here. It builds a foundation upon which further obedience and training can take place; and which without, the former objective is impossible.”
~Kimberly Carnevale
Kimberly Carnevale--
The author/speaker/educator/Champion over-comer:
The author/speaker/educator/Champion over-comer:
Kimberly's amazing personal journey ~ The story that begged to be told
(as featured in her first book, Canine and Abled, Taking The dis Out of Disabled":
As a little girl, Kimberly felt a strong bond and kinship with all things animal. She wanted to save every homeless critter, rescue every dog in need, and try to "fix" problems in dogs/horses she met throughout her childhood.
As she grew older and her knowledge/experience with animals evolved into a bonafide life passion, Kimberly knew that in order to be really effective in her efforts, she would have to learn all she could about how animals learned, communicated, and interacted in a natural state. She was passionate about her mission and worked hard to understand the broken and needy animals she sought out to save.
As she grew older and her knowledge/experience with animals evolved into a bonafide life passion, Kimberly knew that in order to be really effective in her efforts, she would have to learn all she could about how animals learned, communicated, and interacted in a natural state. She was passionate about her mission and worked hard to understand the broken and needy animals she sought out to save.
Kimberly gained her education through formal classes as well as internships with veterinarians, farriers, Sheriff's K-9 Unit, and training clinics. She volunteered at rescue groups and dog kennels. Serious about becoming the best partner she could be, Kimberly devoured any and all information she could about the animals she worked with. She learned the great value of patience and positive reinforcement and utilizing natural correction techniques.
To further impact her influence on the animals she worked with, Kimberly studied learning theory, classical and operant conditioning in both herd and pack situations for 20 + years, and implemented these skills when she opened up her own 54- acre training facility where she trained show horses and rehabilitated "problem" horses and dogs using her natural behavior modification and resistance-free training techniques.
Ms. Carnevale learned the utmost importance of "listening" to the animals she was working with, studying their behaviors and learning to communicate with them through their own wordless, yet completely audible and sophisticated language that she had carefully studied for so many years.
Because of this talent, she was often sought out to rehabilitate animals that were deemed "dangerous and un-trainable" or "red zone". Always having faith in the animals and her abilities to heal them, she never thought of any animal not worthy of a chance to be understood.
Because of this talent, she was often sought out to rehabilitate animals that were deemed "dangerous and un-trainable" or "red zone". Always having faith in the animals and her abilities to heal them, she never thought of any animal not worthy of a chance to be understood.
Years of practiced patience and study paid off for countless animals who had been unfairly labeled and drastically misunderstood. These formally rejected animals went onto become well-behaved canine companions and money-earning show horses.
Coincidentally, "K's Flying Hope, a.k.a, "Slack" (pictured left), the horse that took Kimberly to this prestigious level of competition, was a horse that had suffered years of horrific abuse and was severely distrusting of all humans. Kimberly rescued Slack and rehabilitated him at Reignbow Ridge, her farm for rescued animals.
By 1998, Kimberly Carnevale had become a professional athlete vying for a spot on the US Equestrian Team in the illustrious sport of equestrian show jumping until a devastating accident left her permanently disabled.
Shortly after her accident, Kimberly was partnered with a service dog (a dog specially trained to help mitigate disabilities). "Dewey" was also a formerly rescued resident of Reignbow Ridge who started alerting to Kimberly's seizures after her accident. Dewey underwent an intense, special training program to legally elevate his status from pet to service dog and helped her navigate the difficult path of learning to live with disability. Dewey pulled Kimberly's wheelchair, alerted to her seizures and helped steady her when she was learning how to walk again. Most importantly, he gave Kimberly the courage to face her new reality and helped her learn how to live again! She thought her troubles were over, but soon learned that they were only just beginning...
Kimberly continues her commitment to help dogs through the Canine Ability Program (,
offering natural dog training seminars and community education
programs featuring canine entertainment. She volunteers at her local
animal shelter, training residents to make them more adoptable.
Kimberly strives to help put an end to canine homelessness by helping
owners communicate more effectively with their canine friends and help
to bring out the ABILITY in every dog.
A traumatic brain injury forced her to relearn what most take for granted, such as reading, writing, walking and talking; and later, a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis added insult to injury.
Shortly after her accident, Kimberly was partnered with a service dog (a dog specially trained to help mitigate disabilities). "Dewey" was also a formerly rescued resident of Reignbow Ridge who started alerting to Kimberly's seizures after her accident. Dewey underwent an intense, special training program to legally elevate his status from pet to service dog and helped her navigate the difficult path of learning to live with disability. Dewey pulled Kimberly's wheelchair, alerted to her seizures and helped steady her when she was learning how to walk again. Most importantly, he gave Kimberly the courage to face her new reality and helped her learn how to live again! She thought her troubles were over, but soon learned that they were only just beginning...
Through a grueling and painful rehabilitation, to combating access denial, learning how to read/write and talk again and battling cognitive issues to create an award-winning educational program and advocate for others, then onto carving out a new career as a respected motivational speaker--Kimberly faltered, but did not waiver from the path of success that she had set her athlete's mind on.
Throughout her rehabilitation, Kimberly struggled with the dyslexia and word confusion in her injured brain. She tenaciously worked hard to regain her reading/writing skills in order to pen her first book. "Canine and Abled, Taking The dis Out of Disabled," which was published in 2004. This book was a testament to the never-give-up, fighting spirit and faith this former athlete still possessed---and that spirit and faith was about to be tested again...
Kimberly lost her beloved Dewey in 2005 to cardiac failure. She was devastated by the loss, but became proactive in honoring her very special friend's memory. Not knowing how to cope with Dewey's death, Kimberly decided to think positively and with even more zest and determination than before, she announced a month later that Canine and Abled program was to be expanded Nationwide in memory of the work of the incredible dog who had saved her life and created a program that would touch many lives. The Canine Ability program was founded to serve this purpose.
to help others through her experience with brain injury, Kimberly is a
staunch advocate for brain injury awareness/prevention. She speaks to
schools/youth groups to help kids learn the importance of protect the
only brain they have and inspire them to believe in the beauty of their
dreams. She writes articles/blogs and speaks to brain injury
foundations, support groups, and hospitals to encourage other survivors,
enlighten their caregivers, and provide medical professionals with
unique insight into what life is like living with brain injury. Kimberly created new speaking opportunities; applying her old strategies and implementing new ones in order to present them to audiences on stage. To see her on stage, using her personal tragedies as positive teaching tools, giving her heart to her audiences is positively inspirational.
Most important to Kimberly is sharing her testimony with churches/faith-based groups. She loves to share her story to witness to others God's grace amidst the most tumultuous of life's storms...and how He turned tragedy to triumph for this former Olympic hopeful.
Imagine losing the ability to think. Imagine that you need to manually control your body each and everyday, and some days, the command center refuses to help out. This is what it is like living with brain injury. This is what everyday life is like for single Mom, Kimberly Carnevale. This is her story. This is her campaign, and this is her ministry to help others (two-footed and four), through the lessons she's learned.
Kimberly Carnevale has faced challenges that most couldn't even begin to imagine. From recovering accident survivor, to advocate, to becoming a single, disabled Mom, to becoming homeless, all the while, striving to continue the commitment she made to Dewey; and finally finding her way back to success.
Her athlete training and never-give-up determination continue to drive her, yet her definition of success is different these days. "It's not about money or fame, or about the things you have," Carnevale says. "I've been on both ends of the financial spectrum, and I can tell you with 100% certainty, that at the end of the day, when you can think back on what you've accomplished, success should be measured by making a child smile, or lifting a friend's spirit, providing hope to the hopeless and sharing with others the love in our is then that we discover that by giving to others, we are actually giving a gift to ourselves. Helping others, honoring God in all that we do, and having the ability to praise in the midst of our storms----That, is success."
Interested in having Kimberly share her amazing, Champion-Building story with your group? -"Becoming a school, business, and life"
*All programs feature a highly entertaining performance by one or more of the Canine Ability dogs.
*All programs feature a highly entertaining performance by one or more of the Canine Ability dogs.
For more information about Kimberly's canine education programs featuring:
-Dog bite prevention/dog safety
-Effective canine communication
-Canine leadership skills
-Aggression education
-Dogs with jobs & more, contact Kimberly through her contact page on this site.